Norm Engineering 4 in 1 Rear Mount Bucket with Patented Tilt Mechanism

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Norm Engineering 4 in 1 Rear Mount Bucket with Patented Tilt Mechanism : $8,500 AUD ($9,350 Inc. GST)
The Agilator 4-in-1 Bucket (pronounced ‘adj-il-ator’ because of it’s agility) is designed by HTA and built in Australia by NORM Engineering in Brisbane, a company internationally recognised for quality and excellence, having become famous for making buckets for large machinery companies. Coupled with our AGT 850/860 reversible Hillside tractor, The “Agilator” has the capacity to outperform your skid steer loader, and we challenge you to put it to the test! The Agilator and AGT Hillside tractor combination has the added advantage of being able to work on steep and rough country and also has PTO drive for your slashers, mulchers and post hole drivers. One machine to get all the jobs done!
The most impressive features of the Agilator include: hydraulic angling and extra bucket rotation, stability, manoeuvrability, high visibility and precision. Agromehanika AGT Tractors are built in Slovenia, EU and are proudly distributed by HTA. They have added down pressure on the rear linkage enabling the bucket to get the digging power that it needs and have been factory customised for our Australian requirements. The Agilator works best with a 4WD, reversible console hillside tractor due to its superior ability to handle the slopes, undulations and rough terrain. Because of the way the chassis in a hillside tractor oscillates, all four wheels are on the ground all the time. This allows for increased stability, power and most importantly, safety. (Any tractor with quick hitch 3PL and enough hydraulic functions can operate the Agilator however, it is ideally suited to a hillside tractor, with reversible console, down pressure on the 3PL, and a few extra hydraulic functions.)
You may think the “Agilator” 4-in-1 bucket is a commercial grade 4-in-1 just like any other, however, what makes it different is the patented tilt mechanism behind it, allowing it to be mounted via a tractors’ 3 point linkage.
Sounds simple enough for sure, so what is so special about it? The Agilator utilizes the lower link pins as the pivot point for the crowd and dump function. This is what makes it so incredibly powerful, stable and agile.
In combination with the right tractor it becomes an amazing machine, capable of tasks that no other machine can do, yet so versatile to perform other tasks as well. So many people think to themselves “I want a tractor, but I would also like a skid steer loader”. Also a lot of people have a skid steer and want to use it to cut grass. For most of these people the AGT Agilator is the ultimate solution.
The hydraulic angling allows the operator to cut a road into a hillside easily and adjust the angle as you work. The hydraulics that give pressure equilization as you close the bucket means that you get the cleanest possible pickup, even just one rock the size of a golf ball can be specifically picked up with the bucket. The operators visibility to the bucket is unparalleled.
The Agilator detaches and reattaches in a matter of seconds, but also the Agilator acts as a tool carrier, in the same way a skid steer operator will grab his levelling bar with his 4in1, the Agilator can grab a host of other implements designed to be grabbed by the Agilator, Giving the operator the ability to change between attachments without leaving the seat. (attachment that would normally connect via the 3 point linkage)
So many people assume a tracked machine will give them the best hillside stability, this couldn’t be further from the truth . When working on slopes with any uneven terrain the tracked machine will end up with a large proportion of track in the air or not carrying any weight. The AGT tractor with its central oscillating chassis keeps 4 wheels evenly on the ground thanks to its massive 15 degrees of oscillation. Combined with radial traction tyres and a relatively high ground clearance means you’ll be amazed where this machine can go.
We are passionate about quality and are committed to providing you with the right advice and the equipment for the job. We pride ourselves on our machinery being of the highest quality and standard, built to get the job done right the first time. In a world gone mad with 'throw-away' items, it's time to experience quality all over again.. Welcome to HTA!